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Forum Game: Win a Shared Skillshare Account (Validity Up To 1 Year) - Up to 5 Winners. - BenLotus Crosswords


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Hello BenLotus Members!


I'm excited to announce a special forum game we're hosting just for you! The prize? Access to our shared Skillshare accounts. Yes, you heard that right! Five lucky winners will gain access to a wealth of knowledge and skills through these accounts.


Here's how it will work:

Once we have 5 interested participants, I'll create a chat group where the game will commence. The rules of the game will be simple and clear. The first 5 members who successfully complete the game will receive the Skillshare account credentials.


It's important to note that these are shared accounts, which means no changing of passwords is allowed. We're all here to learn and grow, so let's respect each other's access and share in good faith.


Alright, here's the game rule:

Each participant who correctly answers two crossword's answer will be declared a winner. We have a total of 10 questions and are looking for 5 winners. Keep in mind, once a question has been correctly answered by someone, that question is off the table - you cannot provide an answer for it anymore. Furthermore, you may not submit another answer once you answered. If your answer is incorrect, please wait for my confirmation before attempting to answer again.







3. BenLotus server's geographical location.
5. BenLotus virtual currency's moniker. - @killua09
7. Majority of BenLotus members' origin. @Zef
8. Chatbox's virtual assistant's name. @Fire_Candy
9. Location for viewing Benlotus films. - @killua09
10. Top freebie on BenLotus. @rep

1. Name of a key administrator. @Fire_Candy
2. BenLotus does not have this. @Zef
4. Forum group level with a shiny name.
6. Second favored BenLotus freebie. @rep


Stay tuned for more details about the game. Get ready to have some fun and expand your horizons with Skillshare! Let the learning games begin!


To answer the question, place a number in front of it, then your answer.

For example


11. Chatbox


Spongebob Squarepants Good Luck GIF


Skillshare account sponsored @panchalsunil242

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13 hours ago, rep said:

10. netflix

The rule is two answers.

So you re-try again.


10 hours ago, killua09 said:


You are correct. Will add you to the group once the game is finished.


8 hours ago, Perle said:



Re-try again as number 5 is already answered.

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32 minutes ago, Fire_Candy said:

Hi. I know it only 2 answers. But You can choose any 2 answers I guess. If one goes wrong. 





Try to choose which two answers you think are correct since you can answer only two. Good luck!

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6 hours ago, rep said:

6. Spotify

10. Netflix

Correct, will add you to the group after it's all done.


9 hours ago, Hemanth said:



Not correct.


3 hours ago, Asim said:


7) Philippines

Someone already answered Spotify.


5 hours ago, Fire_Candy said:


Well, Right. 

I would answer.



Correct, I will add you to the group.

  • Thanks 2
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