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Everything posted by BCXR28

  1. The odds were clearly not in David's favor when he went out to face Goliath. David was just a young shepherd boy with nothing but the clothes on his back and a slingshot. On the other hand, Goliath was a giant clad in a heavy suit of armor with so much experience on the battlefield. As if that wasn't bad enough, David didn't have the support of Israel's army behind him. In fact, everyone--including the king and his brothers--belittled him, discouraged him, and bluntly told him "it's impossible!" Instead of allowing himself to feel discouraged, David chose to look to the past victories God has given him. His deep relationship with God gave him the revelation that not only will God be there for him. He was confident that God is much bigger, much stronger, and much more powerful than a hundred Goliaths. Because of that, David knew that with God's help, he will be able to defeat Goliath. Facing a difficult situation can be so overwhelming, especially when we find ourselves having to face it alone. But the truth is, you're never alone in this. You have the almighty God at your side! He is greater than whatever problems or challenges you are facing right now. He can make the impossible possible. The next time you feel like you're facing a giant, be like David. Look back and remember how God has brought you your victories. Put your trust in Him, and draw your confidence in who He is. God will once again see you through the battle and bring you to victory. PRAYER: Father God, I thank you for all the times that you've been there with me to fight my battles. You have never failed me. I put my confidence and trust in you. I know that you will do the same for me in this new battle I am facing just like in previous times. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  2. In life, we come across people that will disappoint, hurt, and betray us. Oftentimes, they are those that we least expect. You might have discovered that the workmate you've thought to be your friend has been stabbing you behind your back. The boss that has been praising you and your hard work decided to pass you up for that promotion you've been hoping, and instead gave it to someone less qualified. Your spouse complains and tells you that you're not being a good provider despite the many hours you've slaved away at work doing overtime. During these unfair situations, it's so tempting to question, and even get mad at God. After all, you've done what you could. You've prayed. You've trusted. Yet, these things still happen. My friend, God did not put us here on earth to live and become failures. In fact, it's the opposite. God has nothing but great plans for you (see Jeremiah 29:11). He has promised you that He will bring it to pass (see Isaiah 46:9-11). And because He is not a man that He should lie, you can count on him to do that. People may fail us, hurt us, and betray us. But not God. He is no respecter of persons. He does not decide whether or not He blesses you based on your position, wealth, or whom you know. He blesses us because that is His nature. Nothing and no one can ever change that. Keep the faith and continue to trust in Him. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, forgive me for being angry at you because of all the hurt that other people have caused. I release my forgiveness towards them. Help me see past this pain so that I can continue on my journey towards that wonderful life You have predestined for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  3. Many of us are under the impression that we need to go through a series of trials and challenges before we can receive God's blessings. That's the reason why they say we need to thank God for all of the trials, challenges, and problems that come our way. Satan doesn't want us to receive God's blessings. That's the reason why he brings trials and challenges, especially when we're so close to the answer to our prayers. He wants us to get discouraged and give up so that we won't be able to enjoy the prosperous and abundant life God wants for us. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 tells us to "pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus in you." It doesn't tell us to thank God FOR everything. Instead, it reminds us that we should never stop giving thanks to God. Not for the situation, but for what He gives us while we are in the situation. When things get rough, God will give you the ability to press on and never quit. At the same time, He constantly reminds us that He will never leave us or forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5). On top of that, He will give us joy and peace that surpasses all understanding (see Philippians 4:7). My friend, no matter how bad the situation may be, bear in mind that this is only temporary. More importantly, you're not alone in this. Trust God. He is there with you. He will help you get through this so that you will be able to enjoy all the blessings waiting for you on the other side. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I thank You that You're here with me during these tough times. Thank You for Your grace that continuously strengthens, encourages, and refreshes me as I press on through this. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  4. We have all been told, "practice makes perfect." And it's true! Doing things over and over in a consistent manner is what separates the average from the excellent. That's the reason why athletes would continuously train as if they are actually competing in the Olympics even though it's years away. It's also the reason why actors and singers rehearse as if they are already performing before a live audience. That way, they get used to giving their best so that by the time of the actual competition or performance, this is going to be just second nature. James 5:16 tells us that, "the earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]." Prayer does not only refresh, restore, and renew us from the inside out. More importantly, it's through prayer that we're able to tap into the grace and ability God has freely given us to persevere and endure whatever problems and challenges come our way. You probably may be thinking, "I've been praying, but why haven't I experienced my breakthrough yet?" The question is not really about whether or not you pray, but how do you pray. Do you see prayer just as your last resort when things are getting hopeless, or do you only pray when things are great in your life? The verse tells us that the power will be available to those that pray heartfelt prayers continually. Prayer should be more than just an emergency lifeline or something that we passionately do only on Sundays in church. It should be a part of our daily lives, just like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. A heartfelt prayer doesn't need to be long. It can be as short as 5 or 10 minutes.It doesn't even have to follow any type of formula. The important thing is that you pray coming from your heart continually. It can take a bit of practice. But just like with anything else, when you make it into a habit, it won't be long before you see all your prayers being answered and breakthroughs coming your way. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, forgive me for thinking prayer is just something to do druing challenges, or when I feel like it. I realize now that prayer should be a part of my everyday life. I resolve to change my attitude towards prayer starting today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  5. Wow, Astig! Salamat po sa pagshare. God bless kapatid ???
  6. Salamat po sa pagshare kapatid! Keep sharing po. God bless po???
  7. Success and failure may appear to be as different as night and day. But the truth is, they share two things in common. The first is that they are both temporary. When we succeed, like closing an all-important contract at work or getting that promotion you've been praying for, we go through a short period of rejoicing before we have to get down to business. On the other hand, when we make a mistake or things don't happen the way we hoped, there will be a time when we will be feeling a bit down and out. But only for a while. After that, we dust ourselves up and get back on our feet. Which brings us to the second thing they've got in common. Success and failure are both a transition towards a new level. They are both an opportunity for us to move on and grow. When we succeed, we find ourselves in a new and higher level than we were. If we fail, it serves as a chance for us to learn from our mistakes so that we not only avoid doing it again, but also improve ourselves. But instead of moving forward as we ought, we often end up staying put whether it is a success or a failure. We tend to relish our victories a bit way too much, and grieve far too long when we fail. What we don't realize is that by staying put, we are putting a hold on the new blessings, opportunities and favor God still has in store for us. Isaiah 43:19 reminds us not to "remember the former things, nor consider the things of old." There is nothing wrong with enjoying our recent successes or grieving our mistakes. But we shouldn't be tempted to stay there and remain the same. God has new things in store for us. He has placed so much potential in you that He wants to bring out and for you to discover and enjoy. Move forward and seize the blessings, opportunities and favor waiting for you. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the joy that I've enjoyed because of the success you've given me. At the same time, help me see past the mistakes and failures that I've come across in my life so that I can correct what I've done wrong. Above all, help me to remember that whether I succeed or fail, these are just temporary and you have a whole lot more waiting for me that I can only receive by growing and moving on. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  8. God has designed each one of us for greatness. It is His desire for us to make an impact on this world, leave a legacy, and be a shining example of His goodness to others. That's the reason why God doesn't hold back on His blessings towards us. He showers you and me with love, grace, and mercy that are always fresh and new every single day.That means that every day, we are not only refreshed and renewed. It also means that He gives us more today than yesterday. Isn't that just wonderful? My friend, if you think you've seen your best days, I got news for you: this is only the beginning. In fact, you haven't seen your best days yet. They are still in the horizon, waiting for you. If you're a businessman, you have not closed your best deal yet. If you're a lawyer, you have not won your best case yet. If you're a teacher, you haven't taught your best lesson yet. If you're an inventor, you still have to create your greatest invention. If you're a doctor, you haven't cured the worst disease yet. If you're a runner, you haven't clocked your best time yet. If you're a photographer, you haven't snapped your best photo yet. If you're an architect, you have yet to design your best building. And if you're a Christian, you haven't won your greatest victory yet. Indeed, there is still so much more in the horizon for you to enjoy. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are such an awesome and generous God. Thank you for your love, grace, and mercy that are always new and fresh each morning. Without them I would not be able to enjoy all the success and achievements I have enjoyed. I look forward to what you have in store for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  9. You are always welcome @JiroDavid. May God bless us all!???
  10. You are always welcome kapatid!
  11. Whenever I set an appointment to meet with a friend, I always have to confirm it a day before, and send a reminder on the day itself. Why? It's because anything can happen. My friend might suddenly get caught up with something so he/she might be late or need to cancel. Worse, he/she might have simply forgotten about it. Aren't you glad that that is never the case with God? God is not someone who will promise you something, and then after a while forget about about it or give you the "I'll think about it" spiel. When He promises something to us, it is always a done deal each time, every time. 2 Corinthians 1:20 tells us that "for all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us." In short, He is assuring us that not only does He remember every single promise He's given you. Each one of them will definitely come at the right time. If you've been praying about something, but still waiting for it to come to pass, don't despair! God is not someone who will lie or leave you hanging. Don't give up on the blessings that He has promised you! Instead, remain steadfast, keep the faith, and hold on to who God is: He is the covenant-keeping God to whom it is never a matter of "if" but a matter of "when." PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I believe that everything you've promised me is already a done deal. You are the covenant-keeping God that keeps your promises, including the promise to bring every single blessing You've promised me to come to pass. I trust that you will never fail and will fulfill your word at the right time. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  12. In life, we spend a whole lot of time waiting. Whether we have some place to go or a dream we want to achieve, there will always be a period of time when we need to do a bit of waiting. Once we arrive, of course, that's not the end of it. We'd want to reach the next level, and that will mean a lot more waiting on our part. The thing is, there is really no way for us to predict how long we will need to wait. Sometime it's short. Other times, waiting may mean months or even years. Just think of your daily commute to work. There are days when everything happens so quickly that you barely need to wait at all. There are days that the traffic is so bad that it seems to be taking forever. It's the same thing when it comes to receiving the answers to our prayers. Many times, the bigger and bolder our prayers become, the longer we have to wait for the answer. As if that wasn't bad enough, it is during this waiting time when we find ourselves facing one challenge after another, each one more difficult than the next. When we're in church, we sing songs of worship and boldly declare that no matter how long we need to wait, we will be patient because we trust God. We enthusiastically shout out that while we're waiting, we will continue to worship Him and just seek His face. During this period of waiting, we are given the opportunity to live out what we declared and become examples to our officemates, family, and friends that we are who we say. Psalm 37:4 says to "delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." There is nothing wrong about wanting to receive blessing after blessing, but we should not merely focus on that. More than the blessings, we should develop that longing and desire in our hearts to seek God beyond His hand. By doing that, we get to know God more, and become more confident on who He is. That way, we are able to remain firm and steadfast during the waiting time. Life, they say, is not about the destination. It is all about the journey. As you go through the journey between lifting up your desires to God and receiving the promise, our relationship with God and our understandig of who He is will help us remain firm and steadfast. That will help us enjoy the journey. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, instead of becoming too focused on getting my prayers answered, and getting impatient during this time of waiting, I choose to spend this time with you. I want to go beyond simply seeking Your hand. I want to know You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  13. As imperfect as we all are, we err and we fail. Sometimes when we least expect it. However serious or critical the error or the failure, we should remain thankful. Thankful, not for the failure but for the peace and joy that we get from God even during the not-so-successful moment we are in. We have been equipped and armed with the knowledge and belief that God's love for us, and His strength in us are more than enough for us to press on, go beyond and move forward. As we learn and change, He erases and forgets! Life indeed accords us time and provides us space to make adjustments in our character, our actions, our decisions. It's up to us to allow God to fill us with His love and abounding grace, His enabling power through Jesus Christ. Let that love spill and brim over in you and --- to others! PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for accepting me for who I am. Thank you that in spite of my weaknesses and failures, You are always there for me. Help me to always be humble, open to correction, and teachable so that I may learn and grow from my mistakes. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
  14. Our senior pastor showed us a picture of a mustard seed during his preaching a few years back. Even though the picture was projected onto a big screen, it was very difficult to see it. It was so tiny! The next picture he showed us was a picture of a full-grown mustard tree, and it just took my breath away. Who'd ever thought that a tall and majestic tree sprung out from an extremely tiny seed? In the same manner, we all start as tiny mustard seeds during the early parts of our career. But inside lies the prosperous and abundant life that God has promised you and me. But for that to happen, we need to first do a bit of sowing. That starts with the little things, like coming to work on time, promptly meeting deadlines and obligations, and doing every single task with a spirit of excellence. Doing these in a very consistent manner does not only give you the respect and recognition from your bosses and colleagues, but you are able to also honor God by being a good example in the workplace because He sees and takes account of all your efforts. Regardless, if we think that these are insignificant or trivial, He will be there to help us nourish what we have sown. In due time, we will reap a bountiful harvest of blessings. PRAYER: Father God, sometimes I think that my efforts don't seem to count because of my position at work. Help me from this day forward not to despise this season of small beginnings, and consistently to sow my best. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  15. On my way to work one day, pondering an upcoming change in my life, I found that I was afraid. It really wasn't a major thing, but it felt like it to me. God spoke to me that day and simply said, "Pray about everything. Fear nothing." He showed me He couldn't work through my fear, but if I would give Him my faith, He would help me in my situation. I needed it that day for something seemingly minor, but I have used it many times since for all types of situations. Isn't it good to know that God cares about everything that concerns you, even the little things you're afraid of? Your part is to pray and have faith, and God's part is to provide the power to meet your need. What do you need to pray about tonight?
  16. Hearing that you should be strong and courageous is a lofty notion. It’s a pretty idea. It’s something nice to hear. But God changes the game and changes the tone of this concept in verse 9 of Joshua 1. He says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.” Command? So God, let me get this straight… Up there with, ‘Do not steal. Do not kill. Do not murder’… You’re COMMANDING that I be strong and courageous? I always thought this verse was a suggestion. It’s one of those verses you see on bathroom walls in church, not a verse you see right below the 10 commandments. God is so adamant on us being strong and courageous that He made it a command. God is so invested on us getting over our fears and insecurities that He doesn’t just command strength and bravery, but he backs up us His command with His attendance in our lives. He can command us to be courageous because He’s the insurance policy on our success. God is not encouraging us to be strong because we’re great, but because He’s great. So here’s some really good news: there’s never been a better command for you to follow. Most commands feel like things you can’t do. This is a command that frees you up to do more than you’ve ever done in your life. I did try out rebuilding my dreams, and I did indeed fail twice. But I realized something as I was falling up and down my life, it feels embarrassing. In the midst of failing in my life, I kept going on, restarting again and I asked myself, “How did you get here?” There were many places I could have been, but I was here trying once again. And I realized that chasing failure took me further than chasing success ever did. God wanted me to have something better than my name with additional 3 letter on my nameplate and license. He wanted me to have a life free from fear. Since that day, my life has drastically changed because I’m just not afraid to fail anymore. The reality for you and I is that when it comes to strength and bravery, it’s not a suggestion… it’s a command. You don’t have any other choice but to live your life courageous.
  17. There are so many people in this world looking for success, but the common denominator amongst all successful people is that they failed. So I decided to chase failure by looking for a way that would give me the oppurtunity to restart again. I was 99% sure that I would fail, and I was looking forward to it. I knew God had something for me on the journey and I couldn’t miss it. I had a million excuses as to why I shouldn’t even try, but I had one reason that outweighed my excuses: God told me to do it. Our excuses serve as legitimate reasons why we delay our destiny, but God’s word serves as a legitimate reason to overcome. It’s like God packs inside of each of us a unique gift and plan, and then we spend decades wrestling with excuses why we think He’s wrong. We think other people are a better fit to do the thing God created us to do. But God has already given us everything we need to be who He’s called us to be. So what are you waiting for? You may have the answer to that question. But here’s a better question you may never know the answer to: Who’s waiting on you? While you make up your mind about if you have enough in the tank to become who you dream of being, there’s a life out there waiting to meet you. There’s a single mother who needs your blog. There’s an insecure student who needs your new clothing line. There’s a lost person who needs you to speak up at your job. And there were thousands of people waiting on me to restart rebuilding my dreams on becoming a Pharmacist for a team members in a company to give them permission to be who they wanted to be and I didn’t know it until I tried. I reached out to a few companion to see if they’d let me chase failure, and sure enough, that very year I graduated and passed the board exam for pharmacist all at the same year that I tried, unbelievably all fears were gone thankfully I entrusted everything to God, His plan in my life is still on. I would have never gotten a once-in-a-lifetime experience if I didn’t stop being afraid to fail. It’s amazing what can happen in your life when you believe God’s word, and stop being scared.
  18. We all know there are things in our lives that we could do more of. We all can eat better, save more, work out more, pray more, and read our Bibles more. But it doesn’t mean we have the strong desire to change. Inevitably, we start to eat better, save more, work out more, pray more, and read our Bibles more to the point that we feel like we’ve eaten healthy enough, saved enough, worked out enough, prayed enough, and read enough to hit cruise control in those areas of our life. In fact, when we are encouraged to do any of the above, it can often go in one ear and out of the other. We feel like we have time to get better later. We have great intentions of improving our lives in a few months when our circumstances are comfortable enough for change. We lost our grandmother to stage 4 cancer a year ago. She was a person who gave her best to every single day she lived. She inspires many. The bridge between who you are and who you want to become is simply courage. At some point you’ve just got to wake up and make a decision to get over the pile of excuses you’ve built up in your head for not being the person you really want to be. In Joshua 1, Moses has just passed away and now it’s time for Joshua to fill some pretty large shoes. And God tells him something he’s already heard THREE times in Deutoronomy: Be strong and be Courageous. And now God is telling him the same thing another two times. Again this isn’t our mother telling us to clean our room over and over again. This is God. He only has to speak once and it should be enough to move us. But strength and bravery were so high on God’s list that he wanted to make sure that Joshua understood the concept that by the time we get through the first nine verses of the first chapter, Joshua will have heard the same encouragement SIX times. What’s God been repeatedly saying to you over and over that you’ve yet to act on?
  19. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?” When I answered that question, I said, “Well I’d be an excellent Doctor or atleast closest to being a doctor.” And then I laughed. I was from a poor family. I’m very good at school, but we lack financialy. So I had a lot of reasons to laugh at myself when even thinking about trying to be in that white scrubs. But God wasn’t laughing. I didn’t get the idea that God wanted me to be in that, but I got an overwhelming feeling that God wanted me to try. God wanted me to live without fear and for me to do that, I needed to face my biggest one: the fear of failure. It’s one thing to have your mom encourage you to chase your dream. She’s supposed to do that. But when God encourages you to do something, that should invigorate all of us because if the ruler of the heavens and the earth puts his stamp of approval on who you are and what you do, that’s a pretty good indicator that you should go in that direction. He knows the beginning and the end; so He must be seeing something in your future that he doesn’t want you to miss. Moses told Joshua to be strong and courageous. And that’s an amazing moment in history. But when God comes off the throne and tells Joshua to be strong and courageous, it just takes everything to the next level. And God not only tells him to be strong and courageous, but He also lets him know that He’ll be with him wherever he goes. Here’s a new question: What would you do if you knew God was with you wherever you go? However you answer the above, don’t laugh at it. There’s nothing too hard for God.
  20. It's so easy to become complacent at work, especially if you've been working in a company for many years, and have been passed over for a promotion time and time again. After all, what's the whole point of striving to give your best if your boss doesn't even seem to recognize your efforts, right? Complacency can be very dangerous to Christians. The moment we allow the frustration of past disappointments to get the better of us, we begin to lose our hope and peace. If we're not careful, it can even cause us to doubt and question God. My friend, God sees all of the hard work you've sown into your career or profession. He is the Big Boss seated in heaven that desires nothing more than for you to live a prosperous and abundant life. It may have taken a while, but in due season, it will come. I challenge you today to keep that spirit of excellence alive while you're at work, regardless of the circumstance. Instead of holding back your skills, talents and abilities, share and invest them into the company. Instead of drifting away and succumbing to complacency, strive to remain consistent and diligent at work. More importantly, don't give any room for doubt to enter your heart or mind. Instead, courageously trust, hope, and believe that God will see you through. Who knows? It might happen next year, next month, next week, or even today! PRAYER: Heavenly Father, even though work has been extremely disappointing and frustrating, I know that you're in complete control of everything. I choose not to give in and become complacent at work. Instead, I will continue to do my job with a spirit of excellence that is pleasing to you. I put my complete trust in you that You will come through for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.???
  21. Whether you're a regular employee or the president of a company, chances are you've had your fair share of mistakes and bad choices. Some of them may have caused just minor setbacks, while others may have resulted to problems at home, a loss of an important client, a promotion, or even your job. Making mistakes, they say, is a fact of life. After all, no one is perfect. We all make mistakes at one point or another. When we do, friends and family will tell us to just learn from it and then move forward. But that seems to be easier said than done. In fact, I know some people that never seem to get over their mistakes, even though these were made years back. Instead of using this as a means to become better, they end up talking themselves down and telling them of what a complete failure they really are. Being a Christian doesn't make us immune to making mistakes. But as Christians, we have something that the world doesn't: the realization that God is a merciful God who willingly forgives and never holds a grudge against us. He will never try to keep on bringing back those past mistakes time and time again. On the contrary, He gives each of us the grace to not just learn from our mistakes, but also to press on, move forward, and go beyond to become a better person. So the next time that you miss the mark, don't beat yourself up. Go to God. Ask and receive His forgiveness, learn from it, pick yourself up, and move on. PRAYER: Father God, I know that I'm not perfect. I have made a lot of mistakes. But even now, I thank you that you have forgiven me, and I receive your forgiveness. Holy Spirit, help me learn from my mistakes and move forward to become the person God destined me to become. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  22. May isang linya ang dasal ng kapayapaan na karaniwang dinadasal sa mga hakbang na mga pagpupulong na humihingi sa Diyos na tulungan tayo na tanggapin ang “paghihirap bilang daan patungong kapayapaan; tinatanggap, tulad ng pagtanggap ni Jesus, ang makasalanang mundo kung ano ito, at hindi tulad ng nais ko”. Ang linyang ito ay lagi kong tinatandaan dahil sa sobra-sobrang ginamit kong lakas sa pag-aayos at pagkontrol ng mga pangyayari at mga tao sa aking paligid upang makamit ang buhay na gusto ko... nagsusumikap upang gawing katotohanan ang aking mga pangarap. Malinaw naman na hindi ito umubra. Pagkatapos ng paghihiwalay namin ng aking asawa noon(maraming taon na ang nakakaraan), nagpalipat lipat ako ng tahanan, nasira ang aking kredito, at naramdaman ko na tila isa-isang nawawala ang aking mga panangga para sa sarili ko, at ang buhay na nais kong makamit ay tuluyan nang nabubuwag. Ang buhay ko noon ay hindi ang buhay na aking ninais. Sa isang punto, natagpuan ko na lang ang sarili kong nagdadalamhati dahil dito at iniiiyak ko sa Diyos, “HIndi nangyari ang aking inaasahan”. Nakinig ang Diyos. Pagkatapos, nagsalita Siya sa aking puso. Sinagip kita. Ang kawalan ng basehan ng pahayag na ito ay halos nakakatawa. Wala sa aking pinagdadaanan ang may hawig kahit bahagya man lang sa pagsagip. Babylyn, sinasagip kita mula sa iyong bersyon ng iyong pangarap... Tutubusin ko ang pangarap mo. Ang pangakong ito, na tutubusin ng Diyos ang aking pangarap, na bibigyan akong muli ng buong pamilya, ay nagbigay sa akin ng pag-asa na ang panahong ito ng paghihirap ay hindi magtatagal. Kilala ko ang Diyos bilang isang manunubos. Una, tinubos Niya ang aking kuwento ng sakit at pagsasamantala at ginamit ito upang maabot ang mga nangangailangan sa pamamagitan ng pagiging ganap kong Pharmasyutiko. Ngayon, ilang taon ang nakalipas pagkatapos ng aking paulit ulit na kabiguan at pighati, masasabi ko sa iyo na Kanyang tinubos ang pangarap ko na magkaroon ng buong pamilya. Noong Marso ng 2014, kami ay nagkaayos muli ng aking asawa at binuong muli ang aming pamilya. Kamangha-mangha ang kaparaanan ng Panginoon sa noong tila impossible ng maayos na relasyon pinamalas nya na walang impossible sa kanya lahat ay kaya ng ayusin at ituwid. Nagustuhan ko ang kuwento ni Jose, dahil ito ay isang halimbawa ng taong puno ng pangarap na nanalig sa Diyos, kahit na tila nawasak na lahat ng mga ito. Siya ay itinakwil ng kanyang pamilya, iniwanan, inalipin, ikinulong, at kinalimutan. Ngunit sa lahat ng ito, kasama ni Jose ang Diyos. Sa huli, ang katotohanan niya sa Diyos ang nagbigay ng kakayahan sa kanya upang lampasan ang mga pagsubok at iligtas ang kanyang pamilya at ang Egipto sa pagkagutom. Ginamit ng Diyos ang bawat parte ng buhay at kuwento ni Jose para sa kabutihan! Tinubos ng Diyos ang kanyang pangarap. Napaisip ako, natukso kaya si Jose na isuko ang kanyang pangarap? Sa halip, nanatili siyang may pananampalataya sa lahat ng panahon at mga pangyayari, hinayaan ang Diyos na gamitin siya, at nagpatuloy sa pangangarap. Isang bansa ang nailigtas dahil sa kanyang pananampalataya. Hindi ko alam kung ano ang dinaranas mo. Hindi ko alam kung ano ang mga pagsubok o pag-atake ang ipinagdusa ng pangarap ng Diyos para sa iyong buhay. Ang alam ko ay ito—ang Diyos ay manunubos. Siya ay matapat. Habang ikaw ay nangangarap, magpatuloy kang manalig, at magtiyaga… Tutubusin ng Diyos ang iyong pangarap.
  23. “Anong gusto mo?” Tanong ng aking asawa habang nagkakawatak-watak na ang relasyon namin noon. “Gusto kong gawin mo ang hindi nagagawa ng ibang lalaki… Gusto kong magmature at responsable ka at sana protektahan at ipaglaban mo ako at ang ating pamilya.” nanginginig ang aking tinig sa gitna ng paghikbi. Kalaunan, habang hinaharap ko ang mapaghamon at nakakalungkot na buhay ng pagiging nagsosolong ina, nadama ko na paulit-ulit akong tinatanong ng Diyos ng iisang tanong. “Ano ang gusto mo?” Sa loob ng ilang taon, hindi ko masagot ang tanong na ito. Mahalaga ba talaga kung ano ang gusto ko? Iniisip ko ito. Itinago kong lahat ng aking mga pananabik at mga hangarin sa likod ng isang kasabihan na laging inuusal, “Ang Iyong hangarin, hindi ang akin”. Bagama't ang pagsusuko ng aking sarili sa kagustuhan ng Diyosay mabuting bagay, natagalan akong maintindihan na hindi habol ng Diyos ang aking pagsunod- habol Niya ang aking puso. Hindi Siya naghahanap ng mga alipin na tumutugon sa Kanyang mga utos dahil sa obligasyon at sa sapilitang pamamaraan kundi mga anak na tumutugon sa Kanya dahil sa intimasiya at matalik na relasyon. Narinig ko ang kasabihan, “Nakakabuti sa iyo ang pananabik. Ito ay isang alingawngaw ng mga himalang paparating.” May pakialam ang Diyos sa ating mga pangarap. May pakialam Siya kung ano ang nasa puso natin. kung hahayaan natin Siya, gagamitin Niya ang panahon ng ating paghihintay upang palakasin ang ating pananampalataya at dalhin tayo palapit sa Kanya habang ibinabahagi natin sa Kanya ang ating mga inaasam. Hindi nangangahulugan na ang pagbabahagi sa Diyos ng ating mga pangarap na makukuha natin ang lahat ng ating gusto. Hindi Siya isang personal na genie. Pero ang pamamaraan ng pagbabahagi ng ating mga pangarap sa Diyos ay magpapalapit sa atin Sa Kanya. Kaya mo bang isipin ang pagkakaroon ng isang matalik na kaibigan o asawa na hindi nagsasabi sa iyo tungkol sa kanilang mga pangarap at mga hangarin? Sa tingin ko ay mawawala ang ugnayan ninyo dahil magiging mababaw ang relasyon. Ang maramdaming pagbabahagi ng ating mga kagustuhan at mga hangarin ang nagpapalalim ng ating intimasiya sa Diyos at sa ibang mga tao. Sa ganang akin, makalipas ang ilang taon kung saan sinubukan kong tanggihan ang aking pangarap na maupo sa hapag-kainan kasama ang sarili kong pamilya, sa wakas ay sinabi ko sa Diyos kung anong gusto ko. Gusto kong mabuo at maayos ulit ang aking pamilya. Gusto ko ng isang taong mapagsasabihan ko tungkol sa aking mga pangarap at pananaw, makakasama sa mga responsibilidad at mga hamon, mga halakhak at luha. Nagpatuloy ang aking pahihintay. Sa aking paghihintay, nagpatuloy ang pagpapagaling sa akin ng Diyos. Ginamit NIya ang panahon ng aking paghihintay upang turuan ako tungkol sa pagkakaibigang tunay at kung ano ang totoong intimasiya kasama ang mabubuting mga tao. Ako ay lumago sa aking pananalig na tunay ngang mabuti ang Diyos. Na ang Kanyang kalikasan ay maaasahan. Mabuti ang Kanyang mga plano. Tinuruan Niya ako na ang mga pangyayari sa aking buhay ay hindi kayang baguhin ang katotohanang ito. Tinuruan Niya ako na manalig sa katotohanang ito, kahit sa tingin ko ay wala akong nakikitang ebidensya ng katotohanang ito. Anong gusto mo? Kung babasahin sa Biblia, si Jesus ay nagtatanong ng tanong ito sa mga taong nakakatagpo Niya. At naniniwala ako na tinatanong ka rin Niya. Hinihimok kita na tuklasin ang sagot mo sa tanong ito at ibahagi sa Diyos. Maaasahan Siya sa mga pananabik ng iyong puso.
  24. Isang magandang Sabado ng umaga, Minsan isang umaga pinapanood ko ang anak kong babae habang siya ay natutulog (musmos pa). Nasasabik akong naghihintay na siya ay magising dahil plano kong surpresahin siya ng kanyang paboritong almusal at isama siya para mamasyal at kumain ng sorbetes. Dahan-dahan kong sinuklay ang kanyang buhok mula sa kanyang noo at hinaplos ang kanyang pisngi. “Gising na batang palatulog,” bulong ko sa kanyang tenga. Biglaan na lang siyang nagdabog habang kinakaway ang mga braso at nagsisipa ang mga binti. “Hindi! Ayoko pang gumising,” ang mabangis niyang sigaw. Ang kanyang maliit na mala-anghel na mukha ay naging kulubot, nakasimangot at naging kakulay ng singkamas. Lumubog aking puso. Maliban sa pagkabulabog sa kanyang pagdadabog, ako ay bigong-bigo na hindi kami magkakaroon ng masayang araw na pinangarap kong gawin kasama siya. Gusto ng anak ko na matulog, manatili lang sa kanyang kama. Mas komportable siya sa kanyang pagtulog. Ang kanyang mabangis na pagtutol ay naging dahilan kung bakit pinalampas niya ang isa sanang magandang araw. Wala na akong planong isama siya sa aming lakad at gantimpalaan ang kanyang pagdadabog. Kung aIam niya ang mga plano ko para sa kanya, iba ba kaya ang kanyang pagkilos? Kung nanalig siya sa aking plano, kung nagtiwala siya sa akin, iba kaya ang kanyang pagsagot? Naisip ko kung may pinalampas ako sa magagandang plano ng Diyos para sa akin, dahil masyado kong binigyan ng importansya ang pagiging komportable ko kung nasaan ako ngayon. Masyadong nakatuon sa aking mga kagustuhan. Minsan, ginugusto natin ang gusto natin, at iniisip natin na ito ang kailangan natin. Pero kung tayo ay nananalig na mabuti ang Diyos at ang kanyang mga plano para sa atin, makikinig tayo sa Kanya. Susunod tayo sa Kanya—kahit na mabulabog ang ating mga plano at dalhin Niya tayo kung saan hindi tayo komportable. Kahit na kung ang ibig sabihin nito ay kailangan nang bumitaw sa mga relasyon, mga ugali o hinanakit na pumipigil sa atin. Ang pananalig ay ang pundasyon ng pananampalataya—ang pagkakaroon ng pananalig sa Diyos ay ang pagtitiwala sa Kanyang plano, kahit na hindi natin ito maintindihan. Ito rin ay pundasyon ng pangarap ng Diyos para sa ating buhay. Sa mga panahong nararamdaman ko na nagkakawatak-watak na ang aking buhay, ang pananalig sa Diyos ang nagbigay sa aking ng matatag na mapagtatayuan. "Gising na, sinta. Buksan mo ang iyong mga mata. Sumama ka sa akin. May nakaplano akong maganda para sa iyo. Upang maranasan mo kung ano ang ibibigay ko para sa iyo, hindi ka pwedeng manatili kung nasaan ka. Kailangan mo nang umabante, mahal ko." Naniniwala ako na inaanyayahan tayo ng Diyos para sa isang planong mas kamangha-mangha pa sa kayang isipin ng ating imahinasyon. Isang plano na ibabalik at tutubusin ang lahat ng nawala at ninakaw. Ang tanong, nananalig ba tayo nang sapat sa Kanya para sundin Siya?
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