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Everything posted by BCXR28

  1. Nehemiah returned to find the work he had done to restore the people’s relationship with God spoiled by failed leadership. Nehemiah undoubtedly wrestled with despair as he pushed against the system. As he redemptively engaged the failures, he constantly prayed to God, “Remember me.” When we lead in the midst of failure, we push against the way things are. But when we push the system, it pushes back — the more effort we put in to improve matters, the more effort seems to be required. In times like this it is tempting to say and do the things that look good or please the boss because, at least initially, it looks and feels better. But that “better” makes things worse eventually. To remain fully engaged with our teams and organizations, our hearts must be managed by the peace of God in the midst of chaos. Leading in the midst of failure reveals our frailty, our limits, and our deep need for God’s presence. It is in times like this that we need to ask God to remember us. The Psalmist gives us a better picture of what Nehemiah is alluding to in his prayers: “For he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust.” Other translations say, “he knows our form.” God sees us in our difficult situations with soft eyes. Just as a mother looks at her needy infant and feels compelled to hold, soothe, and provide for her, God looks at us and is compelled to act. God knows your form. He will carry you through to the end. Paul tells us that God works in you and gives you both the desire and the power to do what He is calling you to do. When we stay connected with God at work, He will not only give us the desire to lead amidst failure, but also the power and ability to accomplish what He is calling us to do. We only need enough faith to persevere in connecting to God. Prayer Father, I often feel like I have to hide my weaknesses and frailty. I forget I don’t have to do that with you. Thank you that I can bring my weary and heavy-laden self to receive your deep rest. Fill me with the desire and ability to finish the race you have called me to run to completion. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  2. Nehemiah experienced both external and internal opposition while rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. He had a secret to navigating this opposition and reducing the disruption to the “flow” of work. He viewed it as creative tension and not emotional tension. Emotional tension leaves you working from an inner place of anxiety, discouragement, hopelessness, and worry. Going deeper into Nehemiah 4-5, we can see how the workers Nehemiah was surrounded by regularly experienced emotional tension that affected their productivity and efficiency at work. Anxiety does not support creativity or clear thinking. Instead, it causes people to pour their energy into fighting against the tension. Creative tension, on the other hand, doesn’t feel any particular way. Rather it is a force that comes into play at the moment we realize and acknowledge that there is a gap between the vision of our company or team and our current reality. Nehemiah saw evidence of the gap between the vision of his people working together to rebuild a wall and the current reality of opposition. The failures he saw surrounding him were simply opportunities for learning. They exposed inaccurate pictures of current reality, strategies that weren’t working as expected. Ultimately these failures helped clarify his vision and mission. His motivation wasn’t rooted in fighting against “what is” but being drawn deeper into what he wanted to create. If we work from a place of emotional tension, we are driven to resolve the tension. And we generally do so by shrinking our vision and lowering our goals, which ends up disrupting the entire system. If we work from a place of creative tension, we are driven by a strong inner vision of what should be and one day will be. And the feelings that result support a sense of personal purpose and genuine caring, not fear or anxiety. What sort of tension drives you? Your team? Prayer Jesus, I know you sympathize with the tension I’m feeling. You too struggled with the cup that you had to drink from the night before you were to be crucified. You carried that tension to the cross and created freedom and new life. I know you can do the same with the tension I’m carrying. I surrender my tension to you. Give me emotional rest and stir the same creativity in me. I ask this in your Holy name. Amen.
  3. The biggest temptation when facing the failure of others at work is to create an “us vs. them” relationship with others and play the blame game. Marketing blames manufacturing. Operations blames R&D. Sales blames finance. The team blames the manager. The manager blames the team. Nehemiah teaches us in chapter one that there is no blame. This might be a hard pill to swallow, but let’s look at how Nehemiah responds in this situation. When Nehemiah heard about the shame and trouble his people in Jerusalem were experiencing, he mourned for days, praying to God about the failures of his people. He didn’t blame. He didn’t create an “us vs. them” relationship between the “good” exiled Jews of Babylon and the “bad” returned-exiled Jews of Jerusalem. He prayed. And listen to the content of his prayer: “… I now pray before you day and night for the people of Israel your servants, confessing the sins of the people of Israel, which we have sinned against you. Even I and my father's house have sinned. We have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, and the rules that you commanded your servant Moses.” Nehemiah never broke relationship with his people. There was no “us” and “them” -- only “we.” He even realized that, collectively, they were all producing results nobody wanted. He knew that he, his failed team, and his failed organization were all citizens of one single ecosystem. His output would inevitably shape their input just as their input shaped his output. Therefore, he knew that the cure for the failure lay in pulling together, rather than fracturing into “friends” and “enemies.” What about you? When faced with others’ failure or your company’s failure, do you play the blame game? Or do you realize that you are all connected in one single system -- that there is an input-output “dance” going on between you, the people around you, and the company? Prayer Father, I confess that I often blame and criticize people more than I bless and show compassion. Forgive me for creating division between me and them in my heart. I know the gospel tears down dividing walls and draws “us” and “them” together to form a “we.” Guide my day to unite and not divide. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  4. We all experience failure at work. People fail us. The organizations to which we belong — and maybe even lead — fail. Failure is not reserved for the weak, incompetent, or unfortunate. It’s not something you can somehow avoid by cleverness or righteousness. It will happen, and to you. The story of Nehemiah illustrates this vividly. Nehemiah was a high-powered, highly effective leader who did everything right. He secured funding from an outside investor to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. He completed this project in record time -- just 52 days. He re-established the Jewish faith practices in Jerusalem, then returned to his job as the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. But when he returned to Jerusalem a couple of years later, he found that the work he had done to restore obedience to God had spoiled. The people he assigned to leadership, the citizens, and the Temple organization all failed him. Nehemiah teaches us that failure is not an option. It is inevitable. Jesus offers us hope in the midst of failure. He told his disciples, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). On the cross, Jesus faced the ultimate failure. He was rejected politically by Rome, religiously by the Pharisees, ethnically by the Jews, and relationally by his disciples (Mark 15:34). Yet three days later, he launched a whole new business initiative called “the renewal of all things” and a new company called the church to lead the initiative (Revelation 21:5). As Christians in the workplace, God has called us to take an active part in His mission through our work. This means that we can give all our failures to God. When we do, He can make life out of it. We can give God our broken, disfigured, and rejected team or organization and, like the body of Jesus hanging on the cross, God can make life out of it. Prayer Father, You took the worst thing that has happened in human history -- the crucifixion of God -- and turned it into the best thing to happen to the world -- renewal of all things. So, I give you my failure and trust that you will make life out of it. I pray this in the name of Jesus who took on my spiritual failures and gave me his spiritual successes by grace through faith, Amen.
  5. Each of us is in a different phase of our career. Some of us are in the first third: starting out. Others are in the second third: mid-life. And some are in the final third: retirement. Most of us look forward to our retirement as a time of relaxation, leisure and pleasure. But this view of the last third of our life isn’t exactly biblical. While we may stop working for a paycheck, God intends for us to bear fruit as long as we are able. Paul wrote some of the most influential work of his career during the last third of his life. Included in this is the letter to the Philippians. Paul never stopped pursuing his God-appointed mission. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul’s goal was to encourage the Philippian believers who were a minority facing persecution. He acknowledged their ongoing commitment to God in their work. He encouraged them to stay strong. He also influenced them through his own example as he remained hopeful and continued to rejoice, even under distressing circumstances. “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. … but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.” Although Paul would have preferred to be with Christ, he was passionate about serving the Philippians so they could increase in their faith and influence for Christ. No matter what season of life we’re in, we can continue to work for God by doing what He calls us to do. We are given freedom, not for our own comfort and leisure, but rather so we are free to serve others. Whatever your stage in life, think about how you can work to serve others with your experience, wisdom, and encouragement. Prayer Heavenly Father, as long as I have breath, I have the ability to serve others. Help me to take my focus off of myself and see the opportunities you put in my path to encourage others. Show me, Lord, where I can use my gifts and experiences to serve others for your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  6. You’ve probably heard the phrase “membership has its privileges.” It’s common to strive for a promotion because of the privileges that come with it – first class tickets, a company car, access to a large expense account. Granted, these privileges make a leader’s long, hard work hours a bit more enjoyable. But when we seek those privileges for our own indulgence, it can lead us down a very slippery slope. As a Pharisee, and one who was highly respected, Paul had privileges extended to him. He could have traveled on Jerusalem’s dime, and protected himself from hardship and persecution. But he put those privileges aside for the sake of sharing the Gospel. As a result, Paul was poor, persecuted and thrown in prison. Yet Jesus appeared to Paul in prison. Jesus encouraged Paul and let him know he would testify about Christ in Rome, the seat of influence in the ancient world. Paul went from using his privileges for his own comfort to leveraging them so he could reach more people for Christ. Moving up the corporate ladder provides us with greater influence, more resources, access to other leaders and opportunities to influence change. You can use those privileges for yourself, or you can leverage them to serve others. Paul used his privilege as a Roman citizen, not for himself, but to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. He put his own interests aside, and even put his life on the line, to serve. Are you using your privileges to serve your own interests? Or do you seek opportunities to use them to serve others? How can you use the privileges you have been given to help someone at work and influence others for Christ? Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for the success and favor you have given me. Help me never forget that it all comes from you. Lord help me to see opportunities to use what privileges and resources I have, not to serve myself, but to serve others. I pray that I am able to help others succeed in their work and succeed in seeing You. Help me to be an encouragement to someone else today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  7. Work can be hard because of the stress that comes from the demands of other people. Others seem to put unfair burdens on us, whether those burdens are unrealistic expectations, crazy deadlines, long hours, or last-minute problems that need to be fixed. Work would be joyful, we think, if we never needed to work with others! At the same time, we may try to delegate out our least favorite tasks, and wonder why the people around us seem burdened. Coworkers in the early Christian Church went through a similar struggle to determine which burdens they should share and which were unfair. The Judaizers were a segment of early Christians who were not about to cut anyone slack, least of all the Gentiles. They expected Gentiles who came to faith in Christ to be circumcised, just as they were. They even stated it as a condition of salvation. But Paul understood that God did not want to place any such burden on the Gentiles. In fact, God gave the Gentiles the Holy Spirit as a result of their faith, not due to any outward sign or ritual. Paul appealed to the Jewish leaders to remove this unfair burden from the Gentile converts. In the end, the Jews came to a new understanding of fairness – there was no requirement that everyone had to be the same to work for God. Bringing our faith into our work requires looking critically at the burdens we take on and the burdens we put on others. Rather than comparing our workload with someone else’s, we can acknowledge their unique contributions to the team and how we can support them. We can bear the burdens of other people and still have a fair workplace environment. The key is to start by seeking God’s perspective on His definition of fair. Are there burdens you are unnecessarily putting on others? Ask God how you can serve others at work with trust that your needs will also be met. Prayer Father, thank you that you have lifted the burden of sin through Jesus. Help us to remember the freedom you have so graciously given, and recognize opportunities to share that freedom with others. Show us where we can help ease the burdens of coworkers and be Christ for them at work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  8. What do you do when you don’t know what to do? You have all the data, you’ve done all the research, but your mind is blank on what objective to pursue, what strategy to employ, and what is best for your company. Daniel faced a similar situation. The king was troubled by a dream and wanted it interpreted by his wise counsel. But there was a catch. He wanted them to tell him his dream first and then interpret it. None could do it and the king became angry. Undoubtedly, he must have felt that his wise counsel wasn’t all that wise. He sentenced all the wise people to be executed. Daniel heard about this and requested an audience with the king. The night before the meeting, Daniel gathered his Jewish friends with him and said, “Let’s pray for God’s mercy. That He would help me know things I shouldn’t know by telling me the dream and giving me the interpretation.” Later that night, Daniel’s prayer was answered. The mystery was revealed to him in a vision. Through the power of prayer, Daniel supernaturally knew something that no one could naturally figure out. Peter experienced a similar supernatural revelation when he confessed that Jesus was God’s son. Jesus’ response was, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven” (Matthew 16:17). For you to tap into God’s supernatural wisdom in the midst of confusion and complexity, you must pray. As you walk into a meeting, pray silently, “God, my mind, heart, and will are open to receive your wisdom in this meeting.” Then listen … to the data, to others’ opinions, to potential solutions. Listen for the voice of God. Or take four minutes at night and in the morning to write to God about the problems you’re facing. These short moments of prayer can help you discern the voice of God amidst the noise of daily work. Prayer Father, my mind, heart, and will are open to You today. Speak to me. Help me to discern Your voice, even in the midst of the pressures of the day. I want to be guided by Your wisdom in my work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  9. What do you do when your boss asks you to do something that steps over the boundaries of your faith? For Daniel, dietary restrictions were a marker of his relationships with God. This faith marker was both private and public. Daniel founded his private identity on the commandments that God gave the Jewish people. At the same time, eating or abstaining was a public act. Eating from the king’s table might be seen as a rejection of Daniel’s God and homeland. Furthermore, it could be seen as an embrace of Babylon and its ideals, which Daniel wanted to keep at arm’s length even as he worked for the prosperity of his new city. Daniel set a boundary around this faith marker while at the same time working with his supervisor to prove the merits of a theological strategy. Daniel suggested his supervisor test whether a faith-based diet yielded better results. This satisfied both Daniel’s boundary and the demands of his organization (to keep the exiles healthy and strong). After ten days, Daniel’s supervisor witnessed the improved results that came from applying God’s wisdom to Babylon’s leadership training program. He then applied the wisdom of God to the entire organization. Holding strong to a constant marker of faith helps believers avoid the slow creep of assimilation. What’s more, God’s ways work best. God designed the world to function a certain way. When we act in accordance with God’s laws, we not only grow closer to Him, we also optimize our potential for good decisions. Next time you are faced with a decision that challenges your faith, search Scripture to see what God would have you do, and set a firm boundary that you can apply consistently to your work. God’s power may indeed transform your organization. Prayer Father, Your ways are not our ways, nor are Your thoughts our thoughts. Help me to seek Your thoughts and ways today in my work. Give me the confidence and conviction that Your ways are better than mine or my company’s. Lastly, give me the courage to apply Your ways to my work so that Your power is put on display for all to see. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
  10. Daniel was enlisted in the king’s training program. He knew he wasn’t in Jerusalem anymore. He could no longer expect that his faith would align with his new organization’s culture and values. He couldn’t expect to be comfortable, secure, or in control. He had to change his mindset. Studying the astrology and magic of the Babylonians must have been odious to Daniel. And yet he embraced the education, knowing that it would make him useful to his new organization. He needed to adopt a new mindset—an exilic mindset. He could expect discomfort, insecurity and risk, and trust God to protect his faith. As an exile, his new motto was, “Expect trials. Bless in response.” Christians in the modern workplace have much in common with Daniel. In fact, Jesus said in Acts 1:8 that he was sending us out as exiles into our places of work. We should expect trials because of our faith, and prepare to bless in response. Jesus doesn’t send us out empty-handed. He said that we would receive power to be his witnesses when the Spirit comes into us. But we can’t get that power without going into exile. Daniel’s story teaches a surprising truth: God’s power comes through trials. So as you go to work tomorrow, think like an exile. Expect trials. But nevertheless, respond by serving and blessing others. You’ll find new power to make your work and your company succeed. Prayer Father, You gave Your Son resurrection power when he faced the greatest trial ever: the crucifixion. You promise that same power will come to me as I face my trials with Your power and presence. As I start my day, prepare my mind and heart for the trials that will inevitably come my way. Give me the courage to face them like Jesus, knowing that resurrection power awaits me at the end. Thank You for what You are going to do today in me through my trials. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  11. The book of Isaiah describes God’s servant as “eager to do what is right.” The Hebrew reads, more literally, “He will . . . be quick [to do] righteousness.” When we remember that righteousness means right relationships, we recognize that Jesus calls us to prioritize addressing broken or strained relationships. It’s not easy, and often we’d rather put off the hard work and vulnerability of seeking to mend our relationships. For example, when our urge is to ignore or hide conflict with others at work, we must instead acknowledge the conflict and talk with the people involved (not gossip with others). When we would rather keep it to ourselves, we should ask wise people for help in getting started (in humility, not in hopes of gaining an upper hand). When we would rather build a case against our rival, we should instead build a case for them, or at least acknowledge whatever their good points are. If we have done wrong, we should admit it and ask for forgiveness. When we have been wronged, we should forgive. And when we think we don’t have the energy to engage the other person, but would rather just write off the relationship, we must let God’s power and patience substitute for our own. In this we seek to imitate our Lord, who “emptied himself” of personal agendas and so received the power of God to live out God’s will in the world. If we do these things, then our conflict can be resolved in terms of what the true issues are, rather than our projections, fears and resentments. Usually this leads to a restored working relationship and mutual respect, if not friendship. Even in the unusual cases where no reconciliation is possible, we can expect a surprising “peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.” It is a sign that even a broken relationship is not beyond the hope of God’s goodness. Prayer Gracious Lord, it’s hard sometimes to initiate reconciliation. I don’t like conflict; I often would rather avoid and deny than be quick to do what’s right. Forgive me when I delay doing the right thing. Help me be eager to do what is right and quick to obey. Amen.
  12. Christians need to listen well, both to people and to God. “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger” (James 1:19). You listen, not as a technique to influence others, but as a way to let God’s word “rid yourselves of all sordidness and rank growth of wickedness” (James 1:21). Listening well to others removes our anger and arrogance. When others speak words that we do not welcome—words of disagreement, criticism or dismissal—it is easy to respond in anger, especially in high-pressure situations. But doing so usually makes our position worse and discredits our witness as Christ’s servants. When approaching a co-worker about conflict, you must set aside your self-justification long enough to listen to what the other person has to say. This is very difficult! But it works. Your goal at first is not to come to agreement, but just to understand the other person’s point of view. Say something like, “I realize that this is coming between us, so I want to start by listening to how you see things.” Then listen without interrupting. Repeat back what the other person said without modifications or corrections. “I think you said…. Is that right?” You may have to try several times until you get it so the other person can respond, “Yes that is what I said.” Success! Now ask the other person to listen to your perspective and repeat it back to you, just as you did for him or her. Repeat until the other person actually repeats what you said, without asking the person to agree with it. Now you both understand the other person’s point of view. You may still disagree. Yet most of the time, the feeling of being heard and respected is so wonderful that both of you have a new energy and sense of working together. Now you can begin to find a solution to the conflict that you can both live with. Prayer Dear God, It is difficult to listen and not defend my own position. Help me approach conflict with meekness, humility and a heart that is willing to truly understand another’s perspective. Amen.
  13. How do we restore broken relationships? In Matthew 18, Jesus gives us a template for dealing with someone who has wronged us. He does not say, “Get even!” or “Strike back!” or “Prove that you were right.” Instead, he lays out a process that begins with seeking one-on-one to be reconciled. Even in the healthiest workplaces, conflicts arise. When they do, the only effective resolution is for those in conflict to engage each other directly, not to complain to others. Rather than play out a conflict in front of an audience, meet with the person privately. In the age of electronic communication, Jesus’ approach to “go” directly to the other person is more important than ever. All it takes is a name or two in the “cc:” line or one press of the “reply all” button to turn an ordinary disagreement into an office feud. Even if two people could keep an email chain to themselves, the possibilities for misunderstanding are multiplied when an impersonal medium such as e-mail is used. Therefore, unless doing so would put you in danger, it is probably best to take Jesus’ advice literally, “Go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone.” If you’ve been hurt, take the first step toward reconciliation, even though it may make you feel awkward or vulnerable. Likewise, if we believe we’ve hurt someone, Matthew 5:23 makes it clear that we should go and get right with him or her. Either way, it takes humility to be the first to say, “Hey, there’s something that’s been weighing on me. Can we talk?” Sometimes conflicts aren’t resolved one-on-one. In that case Matthew 15:16 tells us to seek help from others with the appropriate skills and authority. This does not mean complaining to other people, but finding the right person(s) to help us resolve differences with the person we’re in conflict with. Prayer Jesus, your command to go and be reconciled is difficult. I ask for you to both strengthen me with your might and soften my heart to hear from your Spirit. Amen.
  14. The book of Ephesians reminds us that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” In other words, we live in a fallen world, and there are factors beyond our control that contribute to the difficulties we face at work. We shouldn’t expect even the best workplace to be perfect. But we should expect the Spirit of God to be with us all the time. In response to workplace struggles, Ephesians tells us to put on truth, righteousness, peace and faith. We are to remind ourselves of our salvation and gird ourselves with the word of God. We are to “pray in the Spirit with all kinds of prayers and requests.” This means that we can always trust God to take care of us, so that we don’t need to be tempted to engage in unethical behavior, slander and anger. The powers of evil may indeed threaten, oppress or even cause us harm at work. But we don’t need to resort to dirty deeds to defend ourselves. Truth, right relationships, honest conflict resolution and faithfulness are the best ways for us, whether we are in good situations or bad. These are things we should request the Holy Spirit to give us. This approach may not deliver overnight results. However, over time, we may find that we have more patience, fortitude, hope and love than we thought possible. And we know that Christ is victorious over every power of darkness and evil in the end. Prayer Dear Lord, I need your help when I experience darkness and evil at work. Help me to put on the armor of righteousness, peace, truth, faith, your Word and the joy of your salvation. Help me rely on your Spirit daily. I pray for the people who make my work difficult. Please bless them. I confess my own reluctance to love, and I admit that sometimes I’m the one who is difficult to work with. I pray for the ability to submit to you, knowing that you care for me. Amen.
  15. We all report to someone: a manager, an owner, the shareholders, partners, a board, and that most insidious of masters, the bank. How do we act when they are not present or not demanding something specific? Do we slack off? Are we disrespectful? Do we only do what is required and no more? The Bible challenges us to act and work as if we are serving God Himself. This is because in reality, we are working for and with a Savior who has given His all for us. How much more, then, knowing what He has endured for us, should we endure all things and work with all our hearts, serving Him? This should not be out of compulsion but out of a grateful heart. Not only are we thankful for what He has done but also for what He is doing. There is opportunity all around us when we submit to God in this way. As we serve Him, His purposes are revealed to us. Quick Prayer: You deserve the best, Lord. Help me to remember Who I am working for. Amen.
  16. You have some good goals in mind, and you trust that the Lord will lead you. But, what if you fail? You're afraid you won't follow through, you'll mess up, and you'll disappoint God. There's a popular saying that reads, "She believed she could and so she did." God's Word reveals to us a deeper, freeing truth, though: She believed she couldn't, so God did. You don't have to do it all, my friend. God doesn't expect you to be perfect. That's why He sent Jesus to save us—He knew we needed a Savior to be our strength when we are weak, to guide us, to show us the way, and to take the punishment for our sins. The gospel is what fuels God-led goals, helping us feel motivated to get back on track when we fall. Where you can't, He can. In fact, He already did on the cross. No matter what you achieve or don't achieve, God has achieved the ultimate victory over death for you and for me! There isn't a mess you've made that He can't make into something beautiful. Let's put it all together: Seek His wisdom on God-led goals and wise planning. He will give it to you! Take steps in faith, in the big goals and the seemingly-mundane steps between. And trust Him to pour His grace out over you in the many times you'll mess up along the way—because you'll mess up! But, if your goals are pointed right at Him, you won't jump ship. You'll turn to Him for strength and wisdom, knowing how you achieve goals doesn't matter as much as why. Pray with me: Lord, what an adventure this has been in your life-giving Word! Help me to do something about what I've learned and most of all, help me to share the Good News of Jesus. Let all my goals, big and small, lead me to Your feet. And in the times I falter, remind me of your transforming grace. Let that grace compel me forward to live out your purpose for my life! In Jesus' name. Amen!
  17. You're standing at the starting line, you want to get after God-led goals, and.... you're afraid. You're scared to take action on those goals, getting so focused on achieving them that you edge God out in the process. How do you keep your focus on God and achieving your goals at the same time? First of all, the right goals will lead you on His paths, in His ways, not away from Him. Second, you're not going to set a goal and coast from there. God wants you to stay connected to Him every step of the way, and He'll guide you. Ultimately, He is the goal. Following the purposes He has for us is like following a map He created. He knows the way. Just like you would do on a long road trip, keep checking the map to be sure you're headed in the right direction. If you lose sight of the plan, you might find yourself on an unfamiliar street. But, pick it right back up again, and you'll get back on track! God isn't concerned about whether or not you achieve perfect progress in a goal; He wants your heart. And step by step, prayer by prayer, moment by moment as you seek Him, you will stay on the right path. Connection with Him will keep you in check with Him. Pray with me: Lord, I'm afraid to set out on a path that's not yours. Please give me a spirit not of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). Thank you for the map—Your Word—and for the ability to pray directly to You! Please help me to stay focused on You as my goal instead of the approval of others, accolades, or the pleasure of checking things off a list. I want to work hard for You for the right reasons. Thank you for guiding me and keeping me on Your path! In Jesus' name. Amen.
  18. What do God-led goals even look like? Can you have a goal that doesn't explicitly have to do with ministry—like getting in shape or going back to school? Or, do all your goals have to be "pray more," "go on a mission trip," and "serve at my church"? Some goals and practices are already laid out for us in scripture, which is so helpful: read your Bible (Psalm 119:9), spend time in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18), be with other believers (Hebrews 10:25), and share your faith (Psalm 96:3). God desires these things of us to keep us close to Him—to keep us fruitful and faithful. This isn't a checklist to follow, but rather the result of a heart that's been transformed by God's grace. We are compelled to do these things because He loves us so much. But what about the rest of life? God wants us to do all things for His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31)—the big goals He has for us and the seemingly mundane. Whether it's building a business, completing a degree, mothering children, making wise financial decisions, taking care of your body, or even putting all of your laundry away (spiritual laundry? Yep!), if those things are done with the aim to please God, you could use them to be a light for Him. It doesn't mean we have to be perfect in our attitudes in those things or our progress, we just have to be faithful. When we do all things for His glory, people see something different in us. They wonder where our hope comes from and, Lord willing, we'll get an opportunity to share the Source. So, do your goals have to be all about missions and serving your church? Wherever the Lord has placed you, bloom where you've been planted. Whistle while you work, and even the mundane becomes meaningful! Pray with me: Father, thank you for planting me right where I am. Help me to take action on the things you've laid before me with spiritual eyes, seeing them as God-led goals, no matter my assignment. Help everything I do to point back to you—even the times I mess up and fall short. Let Your grace be my banner as I make progress on goals, knowing it's not about perfection, it's about YOU—the author and perfecter of my faith. In Jesus' name. Amen!
  19. How cohesive is your team? If you asked them to articulate their main purpose or the company’s key goals, could they tell you what they were? A creative environment with lots of open opinions should be valued. A culture where differing positions are not only tolerated but encouraged is rare yet desirable. However, a process of decision-making based on specific, demonstrable goals and outcomes, underpinned by clear jurisdictions and authorities, is critical to contain this vibrancy in a cohesive structure. When you place potential in an enabling structure, there is a synthesis that produces a multiplier effect. Take the emotion, innovation, and creative passion and place it in a structure to guide and channel that power, not one to contain and constrain it. The motivation for structure is as important as the structure itself. All this has to be undergirded by crystal-clear leadership, sounding a definitive note, bringing an end to confusion of direction. Quick Prayer: Help me to give clarity of leadership. Amen.
  20. I love excellence. I appreciate seeing things done well, professionally, efficiently, and effectively. A well-conceived idea powerfully executed and delivered is great to experience. God calls us to strive for excellence by working with all our hearts, passionate and committed. Sometimes that is not easy. In particular we are not to look at our earthly masters. They may be a board, a company owner, a CEO, or whatever. You may disagree; they may be incompetent or inexperienced, rude or overbearing. Regardless of whom you serve, the only way to have the right attitude is to serve them as if you were working for the Lord, worshiping Him. Keep coming back to this powerful truth; it may well help you overcome immense frustration. It is sometimes not easy, but God’s Word will prevail. Quick Prayer: Guide me into excellence in all I do as I serve You. Amen.
  21. You are in a position of authority, and even if you are accessible, many will be intimidated by your position. If you ask, “What can I do for you?” you give an opportunity to others to respond. It may very well help them do their part in the company. Often the simple things are forgotten yet can be easily changed or given to adequately resource your people. We all liked to be asked, even if we don’t need anything. It shows that someone cares about our opinion. Jesus is asking us the same question. He is able to change any situation, provide any resource, and meet any need, and He is asking, “What do you want Me to do for you?” Go ahead; ask. Quick Prayer: Help me to remember to ask. Amen.
  22. It is almost mind boggling to try and understand why an infinite and almighty God would want to commune with His creation. He does so not as an odd event but on an ongoing basis with those who surrender to Him as Lord. He will lead and guide you in many ways. A rhema word can be a Scripture that really impacts you. If you read your Bible regularly, ask the Holy Spirit to highlight His will for you. Often a verse will almost leap of the page or certainly draw your attention significantly. Sometimes someone is speaking and you are struck by a phrase of sentence that is highlighted to you. These words are often a final confirmation of a decision of important direction that you already have peace about and the circumstances have all lined up. He can and does speak through prophecy, dreams, visions, and even angels. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. We are on an important mission and in a spiritual battle for souls. Don’t underestimate Godly people who can bring a word of wisdom born of experience. Quick Prayer: Jesus, speak to me in my daily life as I go about the job and service You have called me to. Amen.
  23. If you have now surrendered or committed your business to God, He will arrange circumstances. Look for coincidences in your day, like unexpected answers or contacts. Look for the seemingly prearranged. Notice also the doors that will not open. Some are to be pushed and others to be left alone. Look of the hand of God. Paul was hindered from going into Asia and took that as God shutting the door. Listen to the quiet sense of inner peace, the still, small voice in your spirit. Do you feel really uncomfortable about a deal or opportunity? Learn to take note of your sense of peace, both from a positive and from a cautionary view. God will show you His will in more direct ways as well. You will be amazed at how directly He can guide you. It is no different from the first church and early apostles preaching the gospel in the marketplaces of the Middle East. Quick Prayer: Jesus, help me to hear from You. Amen.
  24. In order to be effective in our businesses, we need to hear from God. If we are surrendered to Him and recognize His want to be involved in the marketplace, then we should expect His guidance. Throughout the Bible, people walked and talked with God. They heard instructions, affirmations, discipline, and words from and for others. Some were moved through circumstance initiated by God; others saw angels, dreamed dreams, had visions, or simply received Godly counsel. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then we should expect to hear from Him. Often He is guiding and leading, directing and initiating, and we are just unaware. However, He is calling us to intimacy, to walk with Him. We need to hear from Him and minister to those around us out of the resources He gives to us. Quick Prayer: You are Lord of all. I surrender all I have and all I am to You. Amen.
  25. You're starting to see it: without goals, you might wander around aimlessly in life. God-led goals are good. But! How do you know if they’re God-led and not from yourself? How can you tell the difference? You're afraid you'll choose the wrong goals! Do you know what's so wonderful about God? A lot of things, but namely, He wants to do this life right alongside you. When you feel lost in your goals and purpose, or in choosing between one path or another, He wants you to ask Him for help—and he loves giving it! James tells us, 'If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him" (James 1:5 ESV). Don't know whether your plans are good to goal? Do a little check-in: Open the Word and look for specific scriptures or stories in the Bible that confirm the goal you have in mind. Is your goal Biblically-sound? Are there specific scriptures that confirm it? 'All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness' (2 Timothy 3:16 ESV). Ask Him! Pray and ask for God to show you the way He wants you to go. 'I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you' (Psalm 32:8 ESV). Ask trusted friends or God-loving mentors for guidance. 'Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed' (Proverbs 15:22 ESV). Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all magic formula for uncovering goals except God Himself. If the answers still don't feel clear, don't give up! This might be part of the process He wants you to go through. In the wait, we are refined and readied for what's next. Wait on His wisdom, and He will give it to you in His perfect timing! Pray with me: Lord, thank you for your Word! I’m so grateful for your clear guidance and wisdom. Please help me to discern the difference between goals and plans that are born out of my love for you versus all the rest. Help me to know Your voice, trust in Your leading, and seek You above all else. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
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