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Work is Hard.


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Often we don’t find our work fulfilling because it’s hard, discouraging, and unenjoyable. Projects get derailed. Ideas fail. Sales plummet. Deals fall through. Coworkers quit. Mundane tasks pile up and seem never-ending. However, Genesis 1 tells us that God created his people to care for and grow his earth and to prosper. He created work as a way for his people utilize the gifts he gives them, all to his glory. Work is a way to glorify God in everything that we do. So then, why is work so toilsome and difficult?

Broken by the Fall
Work itself is not inherently bad, but it didn’t escape the destructive effects of the Fall. Our work is broken and toilsome because sin corrupted it and our relationships. In Genesis 3, God curses the earth for Adam and Eve’s disobedience. We learn that men will toil with the earth and women will endure pains of childbirth. Relationships are broken and in them we will struggle for authority.

The obstacles we encounter in work – the boredom, frustration, challenges, discouragement, and failure – are consequences of sin. But, our work is not in vain. Understanding the context for our work helps mitigate these results of the Fall. The Fall is not the last chapter of God’s story. There is still more to come.

Attitude Matters
Finding fulfillment in work in the midst of this drudgery and toil requires a biblical perspective and right attitude. No matter what we are doing, it is all for God’s glory. In our favorite and most fulfilling jobs to the mundane and meaningless, it all matters to God.

We commonly believe that a fulfilling vocation can only be one that we enjoy. At least, jobs that we enjoy seem easier. However, there has never been a time in history with so much opportunity and freedom to pursue our calling and jobs that interest us. We live in a time where the effects of the Fall are still so real and pertinent, but they reside in an environment of great freedom and opportunity.

So, as you face obstacles at work today, tomorrow, and next week, remember that in the mundane tasks and hardships, your work is glorifying to God. While you can’t wish away the difficult realities of work, a biblical attitude has the power to transform your work day.

How can your attitude change the way you view your work?


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