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Gods great plan!


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In life, we come across people that will disappoint, hurt, and betray us. Oftentimes, they are those that we least expect. You might have discovered that the workmate you've thought to be your friend has been stabbing you behind your back. The boss that has been praising you and your hard work decided to pass you up for that promotion you've been hoping, and instead gave it to someone less qualified. Your spouse complains and tells you that you're not being a good provider despite the many hours you've slaved away at work doing overtime.

During these unfair situations, it's so tempting to question, and even get mad at God. After all, you've done what you could. You've prayed. You've trusted. Yet, these things still happen. My friend, God did not put us here on earth to live and become failures. In fact, it's the opposite. God has nothing but great plans for you (see Jeremiah 29:11). He has promised you that He will bring it to pass (see Isaiah 46:9-11). And because He is not a man that He should lie, you can count on him to do that.

People may fail us, hurt us, and betray us. But not God. He is no respecter of persons. He does not decide whether or not He blesses you based on your position, wealth, or whom you know. He blesses us because that is His nature. Nothing and no one can ever change that. Keep the faith and continue to trust in Him.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, forgive me for being angry at you because of all the hurt that other people have caused. I release my forgiveness towards them. Help me see past this pain so that I can continue on my journey towards that wonderful life You have predestined for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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