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The Roaring Enemy!


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Today’s Verse:
Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour. - 1 Peter 5:8 

Peter tells the believers that there is an enemy out there looking for the right time and opportunity to attack. He says that the devil is like a lion waiting for the best time to attack his prey. It means that the devil’s tactic is to always catch us off guard. He never attacks when our guards are up. That is why Peter’s advice is to discipline ourselves and be alert always. The devil cannot defeat us when we are on guard because he knows that God is with us and we commit everything to God. However, if we stay away from God and ignore His commands, we go off guard and open ourselves up for the enemy's attack. To be disciplined means to be obedient to God’s Word and keep focused on Him. The choice is yours.

Today’s Prayer:
Lord, I do not want the devil to have the opportunity to attack me. Please help me to be alert, on guard, and to understand Your Word so that I will know what to do. Amen. ???


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