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God Answers Prayers?


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Today’s Verse:
Whatever prayer, whatever plea there is from any individual or from all your people Israel, … You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men - 1 Kings 8:38-39
When we pray, we are to pour our hearts out to God and tell Him all of our concerns, with a spirit of thanksgiving and confidence that He hears us and will answer. It says in the Kings verse above that God already knows what is in our hearts, but He still wants to hear us call out to Him in daily prayer. He listens to our pleas and hopes we listen to what He wants us to do. He always answers our prayers, sometimes we may not think so, and then, later on, we look back and realize He answered them in a bigger way than we could’ve imagined. When we see that happen, it makes us feel loved, reassured, and thankful we have such a caring Father. That’s why we should make our prayerful requests, then immediately thank God for answering us, concluding each prayer with a resounding “Amen,” which means so be it.
Today’s Prayer:
Loving Father, thank You for being a constant loving force in our lives. You are so good! Thank You for hearing our prayers and always answering all of them. Amen. ???


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